

Friday, 24 April 2015

Contouring 101 : Must Haves & How To's !!

Okay gals! So we all love a bit of Kim K cheekbone action every now and then to give ourselves that lil' extra something. So I have started to do a series on my blog and youtube channel ( Check me out >>) called 'Contouring 101' where I will-in depth- discuss the art itself & give examples of different techniques. So let me know what you guys think and if you want me to do more series kind of things more often :)


Ok, so today we are talking about working with powders. This is a much quicker method but some say that it is the less natural looking technique. If you would rather just watch how I powder contour and highlight just check out my youtube video on how I achieve a 'flawless face' makeup look then just click on this here :)

I'm going to talk about both high end and drugstore brands in my post for my 'MUST HAVES' *here* so don't worry-there will be something for everyone!
- One Cool Toned Brown Powder
- One Ward Toned Brown Powder
-One Warm Yellow powder (for warm skintones)
-One Cool Pink Powder (for cool skintones)
-One Shimmery Golden Powder.

To find your cheekbones, my best advise is just to suck in your cheeks & feel for the natural line from the tip of your ear to the corner of your mouth. Take a flat contour brush (like the crown brush #C472 or the Real Techniques #201) and dip into the cool toned brown. Remembering that wherever the brush lands first is where the most product is distributed; start at the tip of your ear & bring down along the underneath of your cheekbone. Now, here's the important part; imagine there is a straight line down your face from the very end of the tail of your eyebrow, do not pass this line with your contour. This will just make it appear a bit more natural and not too drag queen like. Then, when you have both sides completed, go back in with a big fluffy powder brush (like the Real Techniques Powder Brush) and just blend it all out so theres no harsh lines. You can even go in with a lighter powder underneath just to really blend that brown in and make your cheekbones pop out even more!
Then, to make my cheekbones stand out even more, I go in with my warm toned brown bronzer, and just dust it directly on top of my cheekbones above the contour. This will just warm up the face and will help to blend the contour out even more.

Contouring your nose is entirely personal preference. I like to contour mine just to make it look a little bit straighter and longer. I like to take a tiny little detailer brush, dip it into that cool toned brown colour and just run the tiniest amount just down either side of the bridge of my nose. I make sure I am very precise with this and only use the smallest amount of product as it is easier to build up as opposed to adding to much and trying to remove it. 

I have a very round wide face, so I like to contour my temples and my forehead to try and slim it down. I start my dipping my brush into the cool toned brown shade and going each side of my forehead and blending it up into my hairline, then doing the same on my temples except blending it up into the contour on the forehead and into the hairline. I then just dip my brush into the warmer brown and dust it all along my forehead just to warm up my complexion a bit.

I usually start by mixing both the warm brown and the cool brown together and blending it all underneath my chin and my jaw line. This is just to cancel out any appearance of a double chin. I also use the warm brown just because I usually have self tan applied on my body and I will want to blend my makeup into my tan and just warm up the bottom of my face a bit.

The biggest mistake that people make with contouring and highlighting, is mixing up highlighters and illuminizers. So I'm gonna break it down for y'all.
Highlighter: is usually a warm yellow or a cool pink MATTE shaded powder that you place in areas of your face where you want to make appear brighter; typically underneath the yes, the forehead, chin and down the bridge of the nose.
Illuminizer: Is a shimmery golden powder which you apply to places thay you want to appear dewy/glowy; typically the tops of the cheekbones, the tip of the nose, cupids bow and underneath the brow bone.

To highlight under my eyes, I usually mix a cool pink and a warm yellow powder together and apply it. I use the pale pink because it will counteract any dark circles and discolouration, and the yellow powder because it will keep everything nice and bright.

I usually just use the warm yellow powder to highlight down my nose, chin and on my forehead, as it just keeps it nice and bright, balances everything out and makes sure that my concealer doesn't crease.

This is by far my favourite step!! I just love luminizer and how it looks on my skin. I dust some of this on the top of my cheekbones ( well, I use a lot actually) and it honestly just makes me look like I'm glowing from within! I also dust a small bit on the tip of my nose, my cupids bow and under my brow bone. The luminizer just brings the top of the cheekbones forward and makes them look a lot stronger and more prominent, and I just love the glow!!

So there we have it dolls, hope you learned something cool and enjoy these types of posts. Let me know :)

Stay tuned dolls,
